Jason Haley

Ramblings from an Independent Consultant

How to rollback a Container App revision

Last week I presented “A look at Azure Container Apps” to our local Azure user group. I was my first time presenting the topic and I’ll just say it wasn’t my best presentation (believe me - I’ve watched the whole recording). But anyway … during one of the demos a question came up about if it was easy to rollback a revision. I attempted to do perform a demo of how to do it, but the demo gods were not helping me last Thursday night.

What I'm using to stay up to date on Azure news

Happy New Year! Yeah, yeah I know - January is almost over already. You aren’t tired and letting up on your resolutions yet are you? I know sometimes when I start a new year with a plan to make lots of changes and to be focused on a new year full of goals that really interest me … I start to run out of gas around the end of week 3.