Jason Haley

Ramblings from an Independent Consultant

Hands-on AI Workshop Jan 2025

Yesterday Bill Wilder, Juan Pablo Garcia Gonzalez and I had the second Hands-on AI Workshop - this time in Cambridge MA. Like the last time, the goal was to give the attendees a hands on experience using Semantic Kernel. The target audience was .NET developers using Visual Studio Code looking to learn GenAI. My presentation and labs focused on RAG. Talk: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) I made a few small changes since the December workshop, mostly in the part where I discuss chunking.

Introducing: the Local RAG Series (with Semantic Kernel)

Announcing: The Local RAG Series with Semantic Kernel This year I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and its related technologies. I’ve also had my eye on agents and plan to focus on them a lot in 2025. From what I’ve seen with my limited work with agents so far is: they can be chatty. This has lead me to believe that agents will really take off once either the price of LLMs available via APIs lower (a lot) or local models become sufficient to use.

A Semantic Kernel Workshop

Announcing: A Semantic Kernel Workshop Friday Bill Wilder, Juan Pablo Garcia Gonzalez and I finally were able to make the workshop we’ve been working on for the past couple of months public. We had an in person day long event where we used the content, which was received really well. The attendees had some good questions - giving us some really good ideas on how to improve the content. Target audience: .

Hands-on AI Workshop Dec 2024

Yesterday Bill Wilder, Juan Pablo Garcia Gonzalez and I put on a Hands-on AI Workshop in Burlington MA. The goal was to give the attendees hands on experience using Semantic Kernel. The target audience was .NET developers using Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio looking to learn GenAI. I gave the middle presentations and labs focusing on RAG. Talk: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) This was an intro level presentation on what RAG is and the concepts you need to know to create a RAG system.

Azure SQL, Entity Framework, Semantic Kernel Hands-on-Lab

Announcing: Build a RAG App using Semantic Kernel, Entity Framework and Azure SQL DB Hands-on-Lab A couple of weeks ago after Azure SQL DB announced their public preview of native vector support, I put a hands on lab together to help people get started with the new feature and EF Core extension. Bill Wilder and I did mentioned it in our presentations on December 12 and December 15, but I haven’t had a chance to announce it for those of you who missed our presentations.

Virtual Boston Azure Lunchtime November 2024

Today at lunchtime Bill Wilder and I spoke at the Virtual Boston Azure meetup. Our talks were based on the same material we presented on Tuesday night, however I introduced eShopSupport as well today. The recording of the session can be found on the (Lunchtime editions) Boston Azure YouTube channel. Talk: Add Gen AI to your existing .NET apps with Semantic Kernel & Azure SQL My part of the presentation PDF can be downloaded here.

Virtual Boston Azure November 2024

Last night Bill Wilder and I spoke at the Virtual Boston Azure meetup. Our talks were about adding GenAI to .NET applications. My portion was mostly demos that focused on Azure SQL’s new native VECTOR support, Entity Framework Core and Semantic Kernel. The recording of the session can be found on the Boston Azure YouTube channel. Talk: Add Gen AI to your existing .NET apps with Semantic Kernel & Azure SQL The presentation pdf can be downloaded here.

Study Notes: Graph RAG - Property Graph RAG (The Projects)

Last week I wrote about the notebook I created when I was working out the flow of the property graph RAG implementation. In this entry I will go through the two projects I created to provide some reusable code as well as allow for better experimentation: Related posts: Study Notes: Graph RAG - Property Graph RAG Study Notes: Graph RAG - Property Graph RAG (The Notebook) NOTE: In order to get the most out of this blog post, you should first read the related two posts.

Study Notes: Graph RAG - Property Graph RAG (The Notebook)

Monday I posted my notes on this last month’s study topic of property graph RAG, which has the general information I’ve collected. In this entry I want to go through some code I created in a polyglot notebook (ie. a notebook that has C# code instead of python), when I was working through the steps needed for a property graph RAG application. Related posts: Study Notes: Graph RAG - Property Graph RAG Study Notes: Graph RAG - Property Graph RAG (The Projects) Where To Get The Code The code for this entry is in my Github repo semantic-kernel-getting-started under the notebooks folder:

Study Notes: Graph RAG - Property Graph RAG

This past month I’ve been focusing on Graph RAG. This entry is an attempt to capture some lessons learned and a place to itemize all the resources I’ve found useful. Related posts: Study Notes: Graph RAG - Property Graph RAG (The Notebook) Study Notes: Graph RAG - Property Graph RAG (The Projects) NOTE: My approach to this topic was to find a way to improve a typical RAG implementation that only uses vector similarity searching.