Jason Haley

Ramblings from an Independent Consultant

An AZD Template for a Chainlit Azure Container App

An AZD Template for a Chainlit Azure Container App Late last year I was looking for an AZD template that uses Chainlit for a UI application and deploys to Azure Container Apps, but couldn’t find one … so now I’m working on building one. Chainlit OpenAI AssistantsAPI Azure Container Apps Starter This is a starter template that works with Azure Developer CLI (AZD) to create a Chainlit application and deploy it to Azure in a matter of minutes.

Techbash 2024

This week I presented at the TechBash conference in Pocono Manor, PA. All the resources for the conference are available on the TechBash GitHub repo. Below are links to my presentations specifically. It was great to see companies sending their employees to conferences again. This was my first time at TechBash, and I finally got to meet Alvin Ashcraft in person (the Morning Dew). I also met a bunch of people from the Philly area and around Pennsylvania, but there were attendees from all over-even a couple of guys from Panama!

Virtual Boston Azure August 2024

Last night I spoke at the Virtual Boston Azure meetup. The talk was about the Azure Developer CLI and geared towards developers. The recording of the session can be found on the Boston Azure YouTube channel. Talk: What is the Azure Dev CLI (AZD) and How Can You Use It? The presentation pdf can be downloaded here. The resource slides: I added this slide after the presentation with links I mentioned after the recording was stopped: